One of my loves is walking on the beach scouring the shores for driftwood, sea glass, and shells. I can spend hours walking and looking. It seems as though each find is a treasure just waiting to be discovered. Many days I come back with bags of treasure! One day my daughter was looking thru my boxes of goodies and said, "You really need to do something with all this!" She was right and so my driftwood mobiles were born.
Now searching for driftwood has a whole new meaning! When I get back home I wash each piece and sort it by size. From there I carefully drill holes in each piece of wood and the sea beans. I string the mobiles using monofiliment fishing line. I add my lampwork beads, some recycled copper wire accents and lots of love and the results are a true work of art!
I offer these for sale in my shop: Driftwood Mobiles I hope that you find one you just love!
Or I hope that I have inspired you to go out and make a few of your own!